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Från en människa-data undersökning av ett digitalt sensorbaserat stöd för hjärt-lungräddning

av Johan Erlesand & Philip Gustafsson

This thesis analyzes students’ experiences and interactions with the CPR-Guide, a digital and sensor-based cardiac resuscitation product, used in a ninth-grade class at a school in Stockholm.
The study focuses on how medical devices, usually designed for adults, can be adapted for school-age children by considering their needs in educational environments. The purpose is to explore the students’ interaction with the product and its application to identify design improvements that can enhance learning and user experience. Through qualitative research with a case study strategy and data collection via observations, user tests, and focus groups, students’ opinions and experiences were thematically analyzed to assess the product’s suitability in an educational context.

The research questions are:

1) How do ninth-grade students experience the interaction with the medical device CPR-Guide as an aid for cardiac resuscitation in an educational context?

2) How can the design of the product be adapted to improve learning and user experience?

The results indicate that the students encountered difficulties with the color coding in the feedback system. Especially the purple color, indicating too much pressure, was confusing and hard to interpret. There were also problems with the app’s feedback, where clarity was lacking, especially when the user’s performance was reported. Students had difficulty interpreting the meaning of the results and desired clearer feedback on how they could improve their performance. Despite initial difficulties, the students showed improvement after watching instructional videos on CPR techniques, which were considered hard to access and should be made more available in the application. Students also emphasized the need for improved design of the user interface, including clearer icons and carefully selected color choices to improve navigation and interaction. The students responded positively to gamification-like elements and expressed a desire for more such features. In summary, the study indicates that both the physical design and the software need to be improved to optimize training and user experience in cardiac resuscitation. The study concludes that ninth graders generally see the product as a valuable tool in CPR training, but that design flaws limit learning and degrade the user experience. To improve these aspects, the design should include clearer feedback mechanisms, intuitive user interfaces, and interactive competitive elements that enhance engagement and streamline learning, which can reduce frustration and facilitate the use of the product for educational purposes.

Från en människa-data undersökning av ett digitalt sensorbaserat stöd för hjärt-lungräddning

av Johan Erlesand & Philip Gustafsson

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