Från en studie om effekten av CPR-guide, sensorbaserad hjärt-lungräddningsutbildning
av Matilda Eriksson och Jasaman Shams
Every year, 10,000 people in Sweden suffer from a sudden cardiac arrest, where the chance of surviving outside the hospital is only 10%. In the event of a sudden cardiac arrest, early CPR has been shown to double the chances of survival, making it a vital treatment. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, on the other hand, must be carried out in a correct way and thus guidelines are presented for how the treatment should be carried out. Guidelines that are constantly updated so that the treatment is as effective as possible, which has been shown to lead to less knowledge and poorer performance when training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation is not carried out continuously and in a correct manner. Previous studies have thus shown difficulties in performing the treatment, where, for example, the majority of people find it difficult to reach the right depth. This study therefore aims to address this problem by investigating, together with Vital Signs and their product CPR-guide, whether technical aids that provide real-time feedback can improve the performance of compressions in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Thus, the purpose of the study is to investigate whether the use of the Vital Signs CPR-guide in connection with the implementation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation improves the performance of the treatment by people without a medical background. Furthermore, the study’s question is formulated in this way:
How does the performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation by bystanders with technological support differ compared to the performance without technological support based on the European Resuscitation Council’s latest guidelines?
The study’s tests were performed on 25 people who were asked to perform compressions on a dummy that recorded the depth and rate of each compression. The test subjects started by performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation for 1 minute without any technical aid and then performed the compressions for 1 more minute, but this time with the CPR-guide as a technical aid. The executions with and without a technical aid were analyzed and then compared to see any improvement.
The results of the study showed that performance improved significantly when using technical aids. The combined average of the executions increased from 46.08% to 82.40%, an improvement of almost twofold. The rate of compressions also improved from 96.92 compressions per minute to 109.40 compressions per minute. An improvement that means the compressions went from being too slow according to the guidelines to a rate that falls within the guidelines. The same improvement was also recorded for the depth of compressions where the tests without the CPR-guide recorded a mean value below the guidelines of 46.60 and then, with the CPR-guide, fell within the guidelines with a mean value of 51.48.
The study’s results confirm and reinforce previous research in the field, which has shown improvements in cardiopulmonary resuscitation when technical aids are used. This new contribution to knowledge may have a significant impact on continued research and increased understanding of the importance of technological support in emergency situations. The results point to opportunities for quality improvement in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and demonstrate the unique and important perspective that this study has brought.
Från en studie om effekten av CPR-guide, sensorbaserad hjärt-lungräddningsutbildning
av Matilda Eriksson och Jasaman Shams