Från “Hur ett audio-visuellt feedbacksystem påverkar hjärt-lungräddning utförd av medicinskt utbildade personer” av Simon Fredriksson & Martin Lindgren Problem: Cardiac arrest is one of the most serious medical conditions in Sweden, affecting thousands...
Från “Hur ett audio-visuellt feedbacksystem påverkar hjärt-lungräddning utförd av medicinskt utbildade personer” av Simon Fredriksson & Martin Lindgren Problem: Cardiac arrest is one of the most serious medical conditions in Sweden, affecting thousands...
Summary from the article “Do You Remember When It Really Matters?” by Linus Gedal Problem: Sudden cardiac arrest is a serious medical condition that requires immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Research has shown that CPR performance is generally...
Summary from the article “Do You Remember When It Really Matters?” by Linus Gedal Problem: Sudden cardiac arrest is a serious medical condition that requires immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Research has shown that CPR performance is generally...
Summary from the article “Do You Remember When It Really Matters?” by Linus Gedal Problem: Sudden cardiac arrest is a serious medical condition that requires immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Research has shown that CPR performance is generally...